
A more human tone may not be for you...but it works.
Get access to all my services in a simple package individually tailored to your unique needs.

Here's all the things I do. Pick the ones you want.

A three-month engagement that will help you better connect with target audiences across multiple channels through:

PowerChord CRO John Crosby was seeking new ways for his team to connect at trade shows, and through cold outreach:

Cold outreach

Stand out in cold outreach!

We can adapt iceebreakers for:

Written channels:

  • Cold email
  • Linkedin connection requests
  • Linkedin DMs
  • SMS
  • Social selling

Verbal delivery
Cold call scripts
Linkedin voicenotes

Video engagement

Trade show engagement

Drive traffic, engage visitors

I can coach your staff to engage icebreakers with hyper-relevant humor…OR….

…I can be part of your booth in order to drive traffic and better engage visitors

Scroll stoppers for:

Blog posts
Nurture emails

A library of shareable assets that POP!

Use humor to create content (video, text, image-based, etc.) that earns attention and educates on social platforms and beyond

Social selling

Stand out in cold outreach!

We can adapt iceebreakers for:

Written channels:

  • Cold email
  • Linkedin connection requests
  • Linkedin DMs
  • SMS
  • Social selling

Verbal delivery
Cold call scripts
Linkedin voicenotes

Video engagement

Pre-sales / demos

More meaningful, LIVE conversations

I can coach your staff to engage icebreakers with hyper-relevant humor…OR….

…I can be part of your booth and be the one engaging visitors


A library of shareable assets that POP!

Use humor to create content (video, text, image-based, etc.) that earns attention and educates on social platforms and beyond

Hook more prospects

I’ll interview internal stakeholders to capture who your audience is and why they should care about you.

I’ll then craft 20-30 icebreakers that highlight points you wish to impress upon prospects.

Review examples!

Strategy and deployment

I’ll adapt icebreakers to outreach and content that can reach your prospects

Find & hit the mark

Based on your size, objectives, and industry, we’ll work together to find the best use of the humor/icebreakers to ensure prospects “get the message”.

Trainings & team-building workshops

Develop. Ramp. Align.

Give your team an opportunity to share tribal knowledge, boost understanding of prospects, and written & verbal communication skills.

Onboard new hires faster.

Better align go-to-market teams.


To help sellers and marketers use icebreakers and content to better stand out and connect with prospects 

Let's flesh out powerful truths

Whether I craft hyper-relevant icebreakers for your team, design plays for them to exploit,  or empower then to do it themselves, I’ll coach them on how to exploit the message, better deliver impactful messages across channels of reaching your prospects.

Coaching can be delivered one-on-one or as a group where we all learn together, I’ll share best practices and help everyone improve.

Whether I’ve created hyper-relevant messaging, created content designed to earn attention, or trained any number of team members, I’ll coach your team 

Whether it’s one-on-one with your sellers or marketers, 

Use cases for icebreakers

Why do this?

Get prospects to know, like, and trust your people and brand

You want:

  1. Go-to-market efforts to stand out, be relevant, and drive top-of-funnel results.
  2. To achieve all of the above in a sustainable fashion at a lower cost than one-off projects
  4. Team members better understanding and articulating: what problems you solve for who, why these problems matter, and how you solve them
  5. To ramp new hires quicker
  6. To upskill new & tenured hires’ written and verbal communication
  7. To better harness and tap into your team’s collective knowledge, creativity, and desire to be part of an important process – message creation
  8. Increased confidence in their interactions with prospects & clients  help

How We'll Work Together:

Step 1: Objectives & Needs Assessment

- 2 key business points (i.e. a problem you solve, an impact of not solving it, how you'll solve it, or what makes you different) you wish to impress upon
- 1 audience (a target persona, defined role).

We'll discuss where your prospects can be reached (which digital and real-world channels) to determine how we deploy the humor once created.

Step 2: Discovery

Hyper-relevant humor isn't possible without having a requisite understanding of your "So what?" and "Who cares?".
I'll run several hours of discovery sessions with your internal subject matter experts and document their answers to 23 questions. We need to unearth what's painfully true to those you're trying to influence and flesh out how they and their key stakeholders are impacted.

Step 3: Crafting Some Funny

I'll craft 20-30 icebreakers (short-form humor) written to impress key points you wish to impress upon the prospects you want to connect with.

I'll run them by you (and/or your team). Some will hit, some won't. Gotta break a few eggs, right? Omelettes are worth it.

Head over to the next step to learn what we'll do with those that hit.

Step 4: Deployment

Once you have some humor that target prospects appreciate, we'll collaborate on a plan to earn their attention and build your credibility as subject matter experts.

There's 15 ways to go about it. Let's discuss what's best for your objectives.

Step 5: Coaching

Once we've adapted your icebreakers to your desired channels/prospect touchpoints, we'll evaluate what is and isn't connecting with prospects, why, how, when and where.

Once we better understand, I'll work one-on-one with team members or in a collaborative group setting to help improve their cold calling and other outreach efforts, social selling/Linkedin presence, trade show delivery, content creation, value articulation, presentation skills, and more.

Communication skills, knowledge, and creativity for your team

Parallel to helping you get the message out there, let's empower your team to better understand why your prospects should care about you and delivering it.

Master your Value Prop

"What problems do we solve for who?"

We can’t craft something funny unless we understand a) what’s hurting our prospect, and b) how they’re impacted by pain(s) we can eliminate for them.

Create & craft memorable messaging

Structuring insights

“Jokewriting 101 for B2B” will teach relevance, brevity, and memorability.

Delivery, communication skills, confidence

Written & verbal communication

Participants will be taught new ways to express their value proposition and leverage their messaging across multiple channels and touchpoints.