In my last 2 posts, I discussed how open mic comedians often perform material based on topics that isn’t relatable or relevant to their audience. This wastes the audience’s time, energy and doesn’t make them laugh – which is what they paid for. Some will even actively disdain, and tune these comedians out entirely.

To understand the feeling of rejection after opening with an unrelatable joke that falls flat, cold call a CIO to pitch giraffe grooming services. It’ll be a huge waste of time. Everyone knows a CIOs exotic animal of choice is the zebra.

Wasting a prospect’s time is NOT an endearing quality.

Some newer comedians are likeable (and funny) up top, until their inner-jerk comes out or when their onstage arrogance is perceived to be authentic instead of an act.

Audiences cut slack to comedians they like – even if they’re not laughing. They engage longer to understand what else they can offer.

Same goes for buyers with respect to sellers.

As other salesfluencers say, prospects don’t care about how much funding your company’s received, the unheard-of awards you’ve  won or where you’re positioned in an industry analyst’s Sorcerer’s Parallelogram.

Make it about them. Be relevant, gracious. They should like you – unless you start to talk about Okapi.

Google that last word to see what I did there.

If your leadership is planning a Sales Kickoff, l’d love to roast the problems you solve for your buyer or get you doing it on your own! You or whoever handles it should slot off some time to speak.